Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ok, wth is wrong with people

So... how can someone be there for a sibling their whole life, even threw some pretty rough stuff, the all of a sudden turn into a total idiot and basically say "dont talk to me ever again" over a few stupid things that you have NO control of, whatsoever? i mean seriouly, isnt that a little immature? i dont know >.< but people are stupid. Anyways, i wrote this earlier to cheer a friend up, she says i write extremly well.

In every star shines a light pretty enough to make the moon average, in your eyes there is a light bright enough to make the stars jealous. a smile to make every garden of the world seem bland. your beauty and radiance seems to over flow and break through into the world around you, making everything seem brighter. how perfect is that? a wonderful girl with such a magnificent gaze. a love one can
never shake nor ever escape. the song in your voice silences the birds and the wolves howel at your passing, the butterflys swarm and even the trees move to shade you. everything about you seems so unreal, yet when i see you its like im looking through glass. a perfect mirror of what true beauty is ment to look like. if we are made in gods image than the angels are made in your image, the light in every creature seems to fade in the radiance of your spirit.